Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pictures of my little chickity from today.

We're still keeping busy, now that schools out. Nick and Alex are two weeks into their swimming lessons and they're doing well. Ashlyn continues to amaze us. She's eating a TON ( well, maybe about a dozen :) ) new foods now. She's definitely doing well with that, and hopefully gaining weight. Her gross and fine motor skills are steadily showing improvement. She's much more coordinated. Her speech is the one area that I probably worry about the most. She is only saying eye, kitty, uh oh, dada and maybe one or two other random words. We're waiting so very patiently for the speech therapist to call. My sister and her kiddos ( 1 boy and 3 girls ) are coming here for a two week visit on the 21st WOOHOO!!! I can't wait to see them. We moved from Mass to Texas 3 years ago and every summer my sister will visit us for 2 to 3 weeks and then the boys and I will go back home ( cape cod ) for about a month. We have such a great time and the kids love each other :). Are any of my Mass friends/family still reading my blog??? If so, please say hi.


MandyJo013078 said...

Ashlyn is just so cute! She is definitely growing! I'm glad to hear that your sister is coming to visit that will be so much fun for you and the family! I love reading about your little muchkin! Have a great day and thanks for sharing the great pictures!

Anonymous said...

She looks older in the last picture, like 3 or so. It's kind of like you can predict what she will look like as she grows! She's so cute and getting quite tan!

Anonymous said...

awwww she is sooooo adorable.....she is catching right up to her brothers!

Jennefer said...

Speech is a common problem. I don't think it is only because they were hearing a different language before coming to the U.S. I think it is also due to the lack of one on one interaction. My daughter is still really behind in speech. It is frustrating when you can't understand your children. I hope you have success with the speech therapist!

Deb said...

She gets cuter every day.
My friends son (2 yrs old) is in speech therapy. It has really helped him.

Anonymous said...

She is soo adorable!! Have a great summer!!

Debbie TPP

The McCollum Adoption said...

She is such a cutie what part of Texas are you in. We are just north of galveston. We have 2 adopted from russia Emery % been home 4 years and Emma 2 home almost 1 year.

your little girl is a doll.


Anonymous said...

I love following the progress of your adoption. She's a lucky girl to have such an amazing family! when you come up to Mass, please be sure to check in with us.

Sue H.