Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Here's the miracle girl!

We had a surprize visitor this evening. The little girl who Sean and William found in the pool unconcious and her mom came by to thank the boys and to let them see that she was alright. It's truley a miracle that this little girl is alive. It took about 10 minutes just to revive her. She wasn't breathing and she didn't have a pulse. She only spent 2 days in the hospital and she's doing incredible. The boys were very happy to see her tonight :).


Deb said...

She looks exhausted. Very glad the boys were able to see she was okay.

Janine said...

Thanks for sharing the update. I've been wondering how she was. How great the boys must feel to see her doing well. What a happy ending!

Anonymous said...

OMG how scary!!!!! Thank god for sean and william.. so glad she is okay!!

Joy said...

Oh thank God your Boys were there. Your family and this little girl are in my thoughts and prayers,

Anonymous said...

that made me emotional. Thank god your son and friend were there... miracle she is still alive. They saved her life!!!

Ashlyn looks wonderful. You can really see the change in her big time. She looks like such a sweet girl. Wish I could meet you guys in person!!!

Anonymous said...

She is very lucky to be alive, you should be very proud of your son! Did she ever explain WHY she wasn't watching her little girl? And how this happened? I am sorry, but it really infuriates me that things like this happen! Small children need to be watched like hawks around pools/water and constantly be wearing life jackets (that keep their head above water) if they don't know how to swim or if they are not strong swimmers! I just spent $75 on a life jacket for my 2 year old - he wears this anytime he is around our pool - it is a specially designed life jacket for toddlers that keeps their head above water, it is not one of those swim aid devices that are virtually worthless when it comes to keeping a young childs head afloat - this is all in addition to pool safety gate system adn pool alarm. I am so glad that she is okay, but it never should have happened!

Jennefer said...

What a miracle! Pools can be so scary with small children sometimes. I feel so sorry for the mother- she must be feeling horrible (but happy and grateful too)!

Tina said...

Absolutely incredible. She has two guardian angels for sure.