Sunday, January 6, 2008

The wait for a court date.

The wait to bring our baby girl home has been much harder then I thought it would be. Knowing that she's ours, and knowing that she's in need of so much right now, it's KILLING me to not have her here. We were told by our translator that it would be about a month after our paperwork ( additional paperwork ) was submitted before we get a court date. We're still waiting patiently for our doctors to complete the forms ( almost 2 weeks now ). I'm thinking that we should have everything done by next week. This would bring us into February for a court date. My social worker ( from the agency ) told me that there have been two other couples that are adopting from this particular region, and have now been waiting 4 months for a court date, so who knows. We may be traveling to Russia for trip two as early as February, or we may be waiting for months :(. In the meantime, we've been busy preparing A's room. Jared , my oldest son , painted it a pretty lilac color. I ordered the bedding and curtains from Pottery Barn, and we're just waiting to get the crib. Here are a few photos of the room. It's not complete yet, but you get the idea :).


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

It looks gorgeous!! You need some floating butterflies or dragonflies. They have butterflies at PotteryBarn but this lady on ebay makes even better ones of all sorts... actually alot of people on ebay do. Get more for a better $$ I have butterflies, bubblebees and dragonflies (yes I have a tendency to go over board heheeh)

Can't wait to hear when you get to bring your girl home!

Karen said...

Love it, love it, love it! Hope you go quickly! It took us TWO YEARS! It's very hard waiting, but it'll be worth it in the long run. Remember, these children are very strong physically and emotionally. She'll be fine while she's waiting for you.

Valerie said...

That is SUCH a pretty room! Love those windows. And the color that you chose is divine!

Jena said...

The room looks great! I really hope that your wait for court date is on the shorter side.

Anonymous said...

The room looks so pretty! I'd like to move in there! ;) Be sure to let us know when you get a date.