Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Our homestudy is coming up in a couple of day's and i'm amazingly calm about it. I have no reason to worry ( unless Alex decides to bite Nicholas or something crazy like that) , so why worry. I'm just more anxious to get the show on the road. Over the next few weeks, I will be working on getting my Dossier complete and then the wait will officially begin. My mom and sister will be coming to Texas for a visit at the end of June WOOHOO. I can't wait to see them! Here is a picture of one of my nieces ( soooo cute ).


Laura said...

Hi Tracy! It's Laura, Aggie's niece! She told me you guys were adopting from Russia - I have a friend from online who adopted both of her children from Russia. A little boy & and a little girl. If you'd like, I can tell her to stop by and say hello. She's a great resource! I hope everything goes smoothly & quickly for you!

Tracy said...

Hi Laura! How are you? I always ask about you and the girls when I talk to your aunt. It sounds like your doing well. Definitely, tell your friend to pop in here.