Monday, September 8, 2008

My poor girl :( !

About a week ago, Ashlyn had her first fever since her last febrile seizure. I was worried, but not too concerned because we were told that there was only a 30% chance of it happening again, and I also figured that I would just stay on top of the fever. I gave her ibuprofen just before I went to bed. At around 5:00 a.m. I woke up and went to check on her. She was burning up, so I started to take her temperature. Within 30 seconds it was already at 105. I'm not sure just how high her fever was because I stopped right there. I woke my husband up to help with the bathwater, and to give her another dose of ibuprofen. As soon as I got the medicine in her, she started having another seizure. I was much calmer this time, but I still couldn't look at her or hold her ( my husband was holding her ). It only lasted for about 40 seconds. As soon as she was done seizing, we put her in the tub, to try and cool her off. We called the doctor, and got one of the first appointments of the morning. After doing a ton of blood work and examining Ashlyn, the doctor felt that she had something viral. He also told me that because she had a febrile seizure for the second time, the chances of it happening again have increased quite a bit :(. About 2 days later, Ashlyn started showing signs of a cold. Saturday morning, she got up and seamed a little off. She developed another fever and just didn't seem to be breathing right. You could see her little ribs sticking out every time she tried to breath in, and if she just walked a short distance, she would start breathing really heavily. Again, I took her to the doctors and after two breathing treatments and an xray, we found out that she does ( it was suspected before ) have asthma and she had pneumonia and two ear infections on top of that. She was put on an antibiotic for 10 days, steroids for 5 days and we're doing breathing treatments every 4-6 hours. She's feeling much better now, but I'm so nervous about the winter. I'm going to be a wreck every time she gets a fever or a cold. I'm not sure if these issues are due to her being born premature or not, but we were told by the orphanage doctor that she got upper respiratory infections a lot and that she was hospitalized twice for pneumonia. It's funny, but I thought that she would be afraid of the breathing treatment, but she's not AT ALL afraid. She actually enjoys it :). The doctor said that once kids have a treatment and see how much it helps them breath, they're usually pretty receptive to having them. Anyways, here are some photos from yesterday, and be sure to see my last post ( more pics from the summer ).


Anonymous said...

How scary TRACY! Hope your sweet girl is doing better, and I LOVE all the pics of all the kiddies. Looks like you had a fun summer.

pugsnkids said...

It's so scary...I deal with this too. My ds Jack is 2 1/2 and has been dealing with febrile seizures since 11 months old. Pretty much every time he's gotten a fever in the past year and a half, he's had a seizure. After many trips to the hospital and even an overnight stay, the doctors couldn't find anything wrong. We were told he will eventually outgrow it. It's a horrible thing to see and I've become vigilant in doing what I can to keep his fevers down. I'm so sorry you and Ashlyn are going through this!

Anonymous said...

i'm so sorry sweet Ashlyn is having so many health issues lately!!! :( :(

i know you will take very good care of ther though!! :) just think of her going through that ALONE in a Russian orphanage!! :(

Karen said...

Poor baby! I know it's scary. Hang in there, Karen

Tina said...

Poor little Ashlyn. I can understand your fear for the cold and flu season. All these problems can be attributed to being a preemie for sure. lord knows what kind of early care she got in Russia. Thank the Lord she has you caring for her. I'm be as she gets older she will outgrow all this. I hope and pray you all stay well.((((((hugs)))))) said...

You poor dears! I'm sending you an e-mail on this too, but I think there is a pneumonia shot, so maybe she can get that once she's better to prevent it in the future? :)

Wolf family said...

So sorry to hear about your stressful and "under the weather" days. I hope she is feeling better soon and that you can get some rest also. We'll be praying for Ashlyn.

The Wolfs

PS-We DID NOT get a court date before the judge left so we will now wait until Oct. 13 just to unfortunate and discouraging. We'll keep you posted but it seems you'll have a while to get your photos ready for us to carry along.

Roxanne said...

I hope little Ashlyn feels better soon! I can imagine that you've been scared to death with all of those seizures--I certainly would have been. The poor sweetie looks so tired and worn out, but I'm sure she'll be better soon. Hugs to all of you!