Thursday, July 17, 2008

We made it to Mass. and had a big scare!

We got here last Wednesday. I'm proud to say that I made the 30 hour trip, all by myself, with 5 kids, in 57 hours :). We went camping at jellystone Park last weekend ( what a blast ) and we're having fun just spending time together. I'll post some photos tomorrow. Ashlyn has been pretty sick this week, so we haven't done much. On Monday, Ashlyn woke up with a small fever. She was in good spirits and her appetite was fine. I put her down for a nap as usual and about 2 hours into her nap, my sister started yelling for me. Ashlyn was having a seizure. It was the most horrifying thing that i've ever seen. She turned very blue around the mouth and even stopped breathing for a short amount of time. I really thought that she was dieing :(. My oldest son called 911 and she was rushed to the hospital. The ER doctor examined her and felt that the it was only a febrile seizure. Her fever finally broke yesterday :). I'm so nervous about her getting a fever again in the future. I'm not sure that I can handle seeing that again. We have a birthday party to go to this weekend, other then that, not much going on. My husband is flying out next Saturday and we plan to spend the weekend with his family and meet up with a few friends of mine on Monday ( the 28th ).

Monday, July 7, 2008

On our way to Massachusetts...

Hi this is Sean sneaking on to my mom's blog. We're on our way to Massachusetts and it has been a long drive so far. Right now we're in Nashville, Tennessee waiting to get our chinese food.

Ashlyn has been great in the car. She loves watching the Wiggles and Finding Nemo. Here is a video of her in the hotel while we were waiting for our room.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!

Photos from our neighborhood parade this morning :).

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sorry, no pictures

My sister is still here with her kids and we're very busy, so I still haven't had much time to post. There has been at least 1 sick kid in the house since Saturday. Hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon. I took Ashlyn to the doctors yesterday for a weight check and she's gained a pound in 4 weeks WOOHOO!!!!!!! She's doing incredible with eating now, maybe too incredible. I found her digging through the trash this morning, with a piece of burnt bagel in her mouth. I can't believe that she was eating it and actually enjoying it. What a crazy little girl :). The boys ( and Ashlyn ) and I are driving to Mass. next Monday. We can't wait to see our family and friends. I'm doing the driving all by myself ( 2000 miles ). As I posted preiviously, my sister and I do a lot of fun things with the kids , such as camping , going to the beach and attending the county fair that we have gone to ever since we were kids. We take lots of pictures and we make a scrapbook for each other at christmas time. So much fun :).