Friday, November 30, 2007

They arrived!


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Got the photo!

She's a cutie with dark hair! I can't wait to share pictures! On another note, what adoption would be complete without a mishap or two? Well, we are on mishap #1. We overnighted our visa application, along with our passports on Tuesday and they are MISSING!!!! Nobody seems to know where the package is right now. Ron has been on the phone all morning trying to straighten this whole mess up. SO FRUSTRATING!!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


We got more information on our baby girl. My SW says that she's healthy and beautiful ( I should be getting the photo in my email soon ). She is 14 months old and has dark blonde hair and gray eyes. I have her given name too, but i'm not sure if i'm allowed to post it in my blog. OMG this is starting to feel so real now. Ok, off to check my email for the hundredth time.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We have travel dates!

I spoke with my SW yesterday and we got our travel dates. We're leaving on the 15th of December and coming back on the 20th. We're now in the process of preparing our visas and finding a flight. It's very expensive to travel around the holidays, but I would rather be traveling then not traveling , because we will be meeting our little girl. There is so much to plan and do before we go. Ron (dh ) is a diabetic, so I worry about having access to sugar if he has a sugar low. I also worry about leaving the boys ( the ABSOLUTE toughest part of this whole thing ). I worry about eating the food in Russia. Because we are traveling MUCH sooner then anticipated, we didn't have time to get the Hep A and B shots. Lot's to think about and do!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


OMG, I can't believe it, but we got a call from our sw today, and it's for real, we are traveling to Russia in a couple of weeks. We were told that we would have a 12 month wait, but it has only been 3 months since we sent in our dossier. We are going on a blind referral to nizhni novgorod. The only information that we have is that it is a healthy baby girl under 2 years old. I'm in complete shock right now.